Our strategic education consulting service offers advice to students with a holistic approach conbining education, employment and immigration and provide guidance to students seeking enrolment into their dream universities, tafe institutions, ensuring a competitive edge in the application process.



Ever heard of the expression "lingua franca" ?? English is know today as the only Global Language, the language by which people from all over the world turn to as the common mode of communication. The language of International Business. Proficiency in English is the gateway to global as well as domestic employment opportunities and is the doorway to exploring the world. Whether you have just completed High School or need to improve your academic level of English - choose Strategic Education Consulting. At Strategic Education Consulting, we will help you choose the right English program for you specific needs. Call us today on +61 481203791 and speak to a native Chinese speaker about your needs. You will even get the chance to assess a native Chinese speaker's English ability.